A general mishmash..

Many things have to be said today and many things have been done this week.

I also started using the infamous BioEffect serum, it made my face feel like raw cake mix, proper sticky to the touch.  I have stopped using it on my face, it is just being used on my forehead as I’m sure the lines I have there are being plumped out..

I am currently craving a Cadburys hot chocolate pudding and whilst the food is cooking I have told Simon to pick some up on his way home from work.  Today was my last day at work for this week so I am doing nothing tomorrow.  I say nothing but I have to clear some clothes out and then also get my eyebrows done.

I am very cold but dressed very stylishly in red polka dot pjs, a black t shirt from Primark and my brother’s old Screwfix fleece (warmest fleece EVER).  The heater is at the perfect temp where you can you put your hands on it and not burn yourself..I liken the warmth of it to the warmth of a brilliant MILKY hot chocolate.  Talking of which, Costa make their hot chocolate with water..that should be against the law.  My favourite shop hot chocolate is the one from Pret.  I love the people who work in the Moorgate Pret, the one by Simmons and Simmons, they’re so NICE.  I remember once when it was Spanish day or something, the guy in there was really nice.  I appreciate good service so I wrote a letter to the store manager about him and they made him deputy manager.

I think that’s it for now, I just need to remember to sort the bedroom out and actually move it because I’m not sleeping properly and I know why it is.

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